Sborník z londýnské konference CIMCIM 2021:

Global Crises and Music Museums: Representing Music after the Pandemic
Sborník z konference CIMCIM, která se konala v Londýně 6. až 8. září 2021, je nyní dostupný online na tomto odkazu.
Obsah sborníku:
- About CIMCIM
- Frank P. Bär: Introduction
- CIMCIM Board 2019-2022
- Esteban Mariño: Preface. Conference Overview
- CIMCIM Call for Papers
COVID-19 nad Music Museums: National and International Overviews
- Fanny Guillaume-Castel / Esteban Mariño / Arianna Rigamonti: COVID-19 and Music Museums:
Impact, Mitigation, Reaction - Yuanyuan (Anna) Wang / Xiang Zhang: Online Or On Site: Chinese Music And Instrument Museums After The Pandemic
- Perminus Matiure: COVID-19 Pandemic And The Sustainability Of Museums In The Southern African Region: Challenges And Mitigating Measures
Music Museum Responses to COVID-19
- Marie-Pauline Martin / Delphine de Bethmann:The Museum’s Virtual Experience: Opportunities and Sustainable Perspectives
- Emanuele Marconi: Digital Resurrection of A Silent Museum
- Sawako Ishii: Online-based Museum Education under the Impact Of COVID-19: The Case of Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments
- Alexandre Girard-Muscagorry / Saskia Willaert: Activating European Collaborations in Time of COVID-19: The Example of the Joint Acquisition of The Boulanger-Bouhière Collection of African Lamellophones
- Heike Fricke: Closed But Open. Museums During The Pandemic
New Displays and Temporary Exhibitions
- Pascale Vandervellen: The Excellence of Belgian Keyboard Instruments Doubly Celebrated
- Iris Verena Barth / Annabella Skagen: A New Concept for Our New Main Exhibition
- Eric de Visscher: Between COVID-19 and Fire: Curating An Exhibition about Beethoven in 2020
- Kazuhiko Shima: Focusing Inner World of Musical Instruments and People’s Mind: A Way for Roles of Musical Instrument Museum with/after COVID-19
- Vilma Vilunaite: Lithuanian Kankles in The Past and Today: Presentation Of The Virtual Exhibition
- Althea SullyCole: Analysing Intangible Cultural Heritage (‘Ich’) of Musical Instrument Collections in Museums
- Panagiotis Poulopoulos: Serial Numbers as Information Source and Tool for Building Virtual Instrument Collections
- Christina Homer: Finding A Place for A Collection of Ancient Mexican Musical Artefacts
- Louise Condi: Locating and Documenting European Sympathetic Strings: Instrumentarium, A Transversal Approach of Collections Around The World
- Federica Colucci: The Restoration, Study, and Documentation of A French School Violin in The Pandemic Era
- Ángel Manuel Olmos: Tracing Historical Instruments with Ecauda