To Play or Not to Play: Corrosion of Historic Brass Instruments

Sborník z konference Romantic Brass Symposium
Dovolujeme si upozornit na online dostupný sborník z konference Romantic Brass Symposium na téma "To Play or Not to Play: Corrosion of Historic Brass Instruments". Sborník přináší řadu klíčových příspěvků týkající se tématu konzervace historických žesťových nástrojů a jejich užití v hudební praxi.
Sborník je dostupný na tomto odkazu.
Z obsahu sborníku:
- Martin Skamletz “Practice-Oriented Research”. Fifteen Years of Brass Projects at Hochschule der Künste Bern
- Adrian von Steiger The Preservation of Historical Brass Instruments. Developing Guidelines for Their Preventive Conservation
- Martin Ledergerber / Emilie Cornet / Erwin Hildbrand Humidity in Regularly Played Historical Brass Instruments. The Possibilities and Limitations of Preventive Conservation
- Bernhard Elsener / Tiziana Lombardo / Federica Cocco / Marzia Fantauzzi / Marie Wörle / Antonella Rossi Breathing New Life into Historical Instruments. How to Monitor Corrosion
- Federica Cocco / Marzia Fantauzzi / Bernhard Elsener / Antonella Rossi How Surface Analysis Can Contribute to an Understanding of the Preventive Conservation of Brass Instruments
- David Mannes / Eberhard Lehmann Monitoring the Condition of Played Historical Brass Instruments by Means of Neutron Imaging
- Martin Ledergerber Endoscopy as an Investigative Method
- Daniel Allenbach A Glimpse into the Orchestra Pit at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris on 29 May 1913
- Arnold Myers Preserving Information Relating to Instruments in Museums
- Robert Barclay Old and New. Mediating Musical Experience
- Sabine K. Klaus To Play or Not to Play ? How bias Can Help
- Marie Martens Angul Hammerich and the Bronze Lurs. To Play or to Display 145