Konference: Lost and Found – eine Klarinette für Louis Spohr

Pozvánky / Konference: Lost and Found – eine Klarinette für Louis Spohr

Termín konání: 11. 6. 2021, 10:00–17:00

Konference: Lost and Found – eine Klarinette für Louis Spohr

Call for papers (15. dubna 2021)

Výzva k přihláškám na konferenci "Call for papers: Lost and Found – eine Klarinette für Louis Spohr".

Abstrakt: Between 1808 and 1828, Louis Spohr composed four concertos for the clarinet, all of which were intended for clarinetist Simon Hermstedt from Sondershausen. The first concert, which - as Spohr writes - "at first glance seemed to the clarinetist impossible", was preceded by a description of the "improvements" that Hermstedt had made to his instrument. Nothing is known about the clarinets from Hermstedt, but an instrument that was in the castle museum of Sondershausen had survived in the legacy of his student, Prince Günther Friedrich Carl I. This clarinet was lost in WWII, so that only a photograph and a descriptive text were known. Until recently both clarinets came to light again – both, by the way, clarinets using the Müller system and not in the earlier design described by Spohr. These are shown in a cabinet exhibition in the Musical Instrument Museum of the University of Leipzig and contextualized in a symposium on clarinet making at the beginning of the 19th century.

Tematické okruhy příspěvků:

  • interdependency between Hermstedt’s different clarinet models and Spohr’s compositions
  • technical and economic aspects of clarinet making in the early 19th century
  • traditions of military music
  • the Sondershausener Hof and the Loh orchestra
  • relationships between virtuosos, composers and instrument makers
  • biographical notes on Spohr, Hermstedt and Streitwolf
  • musical contributions are also welcome

Příspěvky v rozsahu 20 minut (+ 10 minut diskuse). Deadline pro podání přihlášek je 15. dubna. Přihláška musí obsahovat abstrakt příspěvku (300 slov) a krátké CV (150 slov). Přihlášky zaslejte na adresu: heike_marianne.fricke@uni-leipzig.de

Konference bude streamována - link dostupný zde.

Publikováno: 26. 3. 2021 Autor: Tereza Žůrková Sekce: Pozvánky