Konference The Medieval Rabab, a Bowed String Instrument with an Arabic-Islamic Past and Present
Pozvánky / Konference The Medieval Rabab, a Bowed String Instrument with an Arabic-Islamic Past and Present
Termín konání: 5. 11. 2021 – 7. 11. 2021

Hochschule der Künste Bern
Témata konference:
- The Arabic-Islamic origins of the rabab / cultural exchange
- Arabic and European music theory / organology
- The rabab and its iconographic and textual sources until the 13th century
- The string instruments in the Cantigas de Santa Maria
- Music iconography as a method in music and art studies
- Ethnomusicological sources on skin-covered bowed string instruments
- The relationship between ethnomusicology and historical musicology